Bloomberg View article reports that”A federal court this week upheld the approach that the government uses to calculate the social cost of carbon when it issues regulations — and not just the cost imposed on Americans, but on people worldwide. It’s technical stuff, but also one of the most important climate change rulings ever.”

This is great news across the globe as our American neighbours tend to set the pace for environmental regulation and this court ruling factors the global impact of carbon in social cost calculations.

If you are looking closer to home for information on how the province of British Columbia calculates carbon tax Ecojustice has nicely summarized the information in a report titled “Essentials of a Carbon Tax for Canada By Pierre Sadik, Ecojustice manager of legislative affairs

If you like to get things straight from the horse’s mouth check out the Province of British Columbia- Carbon Tax  page. The main point that we are relaying in this blog post is that there are changes happening at different layers that are reflective of the values of environmental stewardship. The push to make the very necessary changes to protect our ecosystem continues and as the momentum grows our voices are getting a bit louder every day.



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