“I was stuck in an airport waiting for a flight and saw on a news feed that there was an oil spill in False Creek just six months after a big oil spill in Burrard Inlet. I remember thinking to myself, this must be a joke. It wasn’t, but I thought of how many of recent assaults on the environment seemed to funny to be true. This was the inspiration for this comedy series“.
Director, Scott Renyard
Environment – Political – Comedy – Adult – Series
The Series
Pressure Point is a 10 part eco-political comedy series like nothing you’ve ever seen before. It’s not fake news, but well, it’s possibly stretched news. You be the judge.
Host Francis von Zoofendorphin puts fictitious politicians and other decision-makers on the hot seat regarding some of Canada’s most pressing environmental issues. Learn why non-commercial fish are expendable, why one Minister won’t pay the office cleaning staff for a large mining company, and why submissions to pipeline hearings are multiple choice.
The Episodes

Episode 1 – Dumbing Down the Database
An interview with Craig Crabtree, a Minister of Fisheries, goes sideways when he tries to explain the difference between commercial and non- commercial fish. The Minister soon realizes that host Zoofendorphen believes that all creatures in the ecosystem have value which doesn’t sit well with a Minister focused on making money.

Episode 2- Mine Your Own Business
This interview looks at the collapse of a giant mine tailing’s pond dam that wipes out an entire watershed. But the Minster of Mines and Resources explains that cleaning out a creek filled with dead logs and trees will give fish many more bugs to munch on per fish and more room to move. He also points out that the damage to the environment is not the fault of the mine, but the public’s faulty mud.

Episode 3 – The Great Escape
This interview features, Janet Klarrke, a Minister of the Environment who claims that Atlantic salmon on the westcoast are not exotic, but part of the Canadian family and are protected under the constitution and objects to the kink shaming of good old Canadian fish.

Episode 4 – Fishy Oil Slick
Coast guard spokesperson, Allan Smith, gets testy when host Zoofendorfen reveals that witnesses saw that the improved oil spill response was nothing but a set up for the upcoming election. Smith storms off in a huff when he realizes the Prime Minister will be a bit testy himself when he realizes the plot to put the failed oil spill response in Burrard Inlet right turns out to be a political disaster.

Episode 5 – Nothing But Pipeline Dreams
The Minister of Energy, Roberto Gonzalezz, tells host Zoofendorfen that submissions to the hearings are not just multiple choice forms, but A. shows good business practices, B. efficient at deflecting all of the blah, blah environment whiners, and C. all about hearing and showing concern for the public’s concerns.

Episode 6 – The Fine Art of Sustainable Clear cuts
Jack Trade, a politician with two hats: Minister of the Environment and Minister of Forestry is this week’s featured guest. The Minister informs Zoofendorfen that even though he is responsible for ministries with opposing goals of saving trees and cutting them down, he is confident that he can see the forest for the wood.

Episode 7 – The Poop dilution Solution
This interview with the duel hat wearing Svetlana Poopanova, Minister of Immigration and Free Trade, reveals to host Zoofendorfen that floaties on our beaches are not possible since the installation of the new treatment plant at Victoria, British Columbia. Instead, she floats the notions that the floaties are more likely a free trade log rebuttal from the US or illegal immigrants looking for holes in Canada’s border security.

Episode 8- The Benefits of Surplus Killer Whales.
The Minister of Economic Development, Skip Peabrainee, explains his excitement regarding the promotion of six brand new endangered southern resident killer whales. This sudden over abundance has, much to his department’s glee, allowed him to remove the species from the endangered species list. Zoofendorfen challenges Peabrainee that 6 whales does not constitute a surplus. Peabrainee suggests that even if all goes bad his department will be able to promote the bones of the dead animals and get in on the people looking at dead things economy.

Episode 9 – Cimate Change is a Good Thing
Prime Minister, Sandy Dweller, claims that the climate crisis is just a bunch of media hype used to sell good old newspapers. Besides the extra hot weather is great for the beach economy with people buying more towels, beach balls, and other such paraphernalia. Zoofendorfen informs the Prime Minister that too much heat could kill all the beach customers. With that, her solution is to invest in funeral stocks.

Episode 10 – Evasive Techniques 101
This interview is with BC’s Premier, Candy Barkson, and the host is frustrated when just about everything he asks questions about are before the courts, about to be before the courts, or they are anticipating will be before the courts. The only thing she will talk about is permanent jobs that last a little bit longer than her term as Premier.