The social media channels are flooding with news that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is taking concrete actions following the recommendations of the Cohen Inquiry.
We have included several links to articles covering this subject including an excerpt from DFO where they state:
“Since the release of the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River (Cohen Commission) recommendations, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has reviewed each recommendation to ensure that DFO is doing all that it can within its mandate and available resources to address the health and long-term sustainability of Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks, as well as wild Pacific salmon more broadly. With respect to recommendations directed to DFO, many of the recommendations have been incorporated into DFO’s work. A snapshot of DFO’s progress accompanies this document.”
Business in Vancouver is more critical:
“If anti fish farm activists were expecting Fisheries and Oceans Minister Dominic LeBlanc to announce this morning that he would place new curbs on salmon farms on the West Coast, they would have been disappointed.”
The CBC reports that “Dominic LeBlanc said “Ottawa is committed to the 75 recommendations that came out of the Cohen Commission of Inquiry in October 2012, agreeing delayed action has been “unacceptable.”
“The beginning of a transparent and open accountability to Canadians is today,” he said Tuesday.”
So there is good news mixed in with the expected resistance, for video coverage check out the CBC’s video on the Cohen commission recommendations.